Monday 11 May 2015

Our Goal...

Our goal is to develop, and improve teacher knowledge, skill and instructional practices on an inquiry-based learning model, by using a flipped classroom approach and technology.  This will support increased personalized learning for the student, increased engagement as well as increased parental support of their child's learning.  By front-loading video lessons for children to view at home, and revisit as often as they deem necessary, there will be more time in the classroom to interact on-one-on with students, address questions and explore concepts through collaboration, using open-ended inquiry.  By flipping the classroom and incorporating technology into inquiry activity-based learning, parents will have increased access to the curriculum and their child's classroom and thus, can participate and support their child's learning.  

Friday 8 May 2015

In the Beginning...

Here we are, on this adventure into flipping our classrooms at Joseph Gould P.S. We are excited to embark on this trip and will use this platform to track and share our teacher learning and student learning. We are ready to share our successes and also our struggles...yes, it is a risk, but by sharing we hope to learn from each other.  Possibly, those who wish to join our journey can teach us a few things too!
Image result for flipped learning model
From The Flipped Team